Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Opening Day

Hello All!

Welcome to my brand new blog! Get ready to have your palette electrified with meals so great that your grandmother will want the recipe. Maybe that's a bit ambitious, but a girl can dream, right?

Now, don't run off thinking, "OMG, I just found another amazing vegan chef to add to my personal blogosphere." That's not what's happening here. This is just a platform that I use to solve a problem that I frequently have. It always starts one of two ways: 1) "This is so good! You have to send me the recipe" or 2) "Me: I just made XYZ, and it was so delicious. Friend: Oh, send me the recipe." And my response is always the same, "Ok, but you'll have to add, adjust, substitute...." you get the picture. So my best friend (who is almost always the "friend" in situation #2) suggested that I make a blog and credit all of the wonderful creators of the recipes that I find, but with my own tweaks. 

That's exactly what this blog is. I create a meal plan for my husband and me for about 4 or 5 meals per week, and after making them, I plan on posting the good ones with any adjustments I've made. A few things to note:

1) I'm a vegetarian who cooks only vegan. (I eat mostly vegan, but when traveling it can be hard to maintain that, so I allow room for some dairy. I guess I'm about 90% vegan.)

2) While I wouldn't say that I'm allergic to soy, my body is highly averse to it, so you won't find a lot of it in my arsenal of recipes. I do use tamari or soy sauce, but avoid things like tempeh and tofu. Feel free to make substitutions where they work for you, after all, that's what this blog is all about.

3) While I am vegan-ish, I will do my best to make suggestions and adjustments for you omnivores. (No, I'm not the meat eater hater.) I want you to feel just as welcome here as anyone without meat in their diet. The whole idea is for us to eat better as a community regardless of your personal choices.

4) Anyone who knows me knows that I am a detail freak. I cannot live without them, and I hope let that shine through in everything from the recipes to the organization of this blog. If I get feedback that something isn't working then I'll fix it to the best of my ability.

5) This is probably one of the biggies: I am an advocate of going with the natural flow of things, and giving the people what they want, so even though I've laid out my ideas here, I'm counting on your feedback to improve this blog. Tell me what you want to see/eat, or if you really enjoyed something that was posted. Ask questions, and PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS.

Ok, so I hope all of that has you anticipating the first recipe. I will try and get it up as soon as possible. Oh, and to be clear, I love the bloggers whose recipes I modify, and this is no way, shape, or form meant to take away from all of their hard work and talent. I have chosen their recipes because they appealed to me in their initial state and sound absolutely yummy to begin with, so please also go by those bloggers pages and show them love as well.


  1. Yay blog!! Love the color. Ready for tweaked recipes so I can stop eating so dang much cheese. And if you have any gluten free stuff my sis would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

    1. I didn't forget about her. I'll try to incude gluten free options in the recipes. And again, thank you for the inspiration!

  2. I'm so excited about this! What an awesome idea! I am playing around with some nutritarian ideas and recipes and those and the vegan diet strongly coincide, so this is welcome and right on time. Quinoa Salad next, please!

    1. Glad you stopped by! Quinoa salad, you say? I think I may just have one or two things up my sleeve. :)
